
Total Gong Tracker Mentions

The number of times a Gong Tracker was mentioned in calls that occurred during the period (the same call can be counted more than once, for each unique tracker mentioned).

What is the Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric?

The Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric measures the number of calls started during the specified period in which different Gong trackers appeared. This metric counts each call separately for each tracker, meaning the same call can be counted more than once if multiple trackers are detected during the call.

Why is the Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric important to measure?

Tracking the Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric is essential for evaluating the usage and effectiveness of Gong trackers during sales or customer interactions. By monitoring the number of calls where Gong trackers appeared, businesses can assess the adoption of tracker-enabled practices, track the impact of tracker usage on call outcomes, and identify opportunities for improvement in sales or customer engagement strategies.

Measuring the Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric enables teams to understand the frequency and distribution of tracker appearances across calls, helping to identify trends, patterns, or correlations between tracker usage and call performance metrics. This metric also provides insights into the level of compliance with tracker-enabled processes and the overall effectiveness of tracker implementation efforts.

The Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric provides valuable insights into the usage and impact of Gong trackers on call interactions, helping businesses optimize tracker-enabled practices, enhance sales or customer engagement processes, and drive better outcomes.

How is the Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric calculated?

The Total Gong Tracker Mentions metric is calculated by counting the number of calls started during the specified period in which different Gong trackers appeared. Each call is counted separately for each tracker, allowing for multiple counts if the same call contains multiple trackers.


Total Gong Tracker Mentions = ∑ (Number of Calls started during the period with Gong trackers)

How it works

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Approve the template
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Total Gong Tracker Mentions
The number of times a Gong Tracker was mentioned in calls that occurred during the period (the same call can be counted more than once, for each unique tracker mentioned).
Gong connector

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