
Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales team

Build successful data-driven strategies based on real-time analysis and forecasting.

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Increase the efficiency and 
effectiveness of your sales team

Streamline pipeline growth and sales cycle

Get a holistic view of your sales performance that enables you to fully understand pipeline coverage and health. Proactively identify the root causes of growth opportunities and pipeline bottlenecks in real time.

Do we have a sufficiently strong pipeline in terms of size and health?
How can we improve our conversion/win rates for specific products?
Where do we have pipeline bottlenecks and why are they happening?
How can we minimize the sales cycle in specific regions?
Pipeline conversion rate
Sales funnel 
progression rate
Sales funnel win rate 

Keep the team on track to meet their goals

Monitor all your sales operations to make sure everyone is on track to hit their goals and quotas. Understand real-time performance for both teams and individuals across multiple dimensions and time windows.

Are sales on track to meet their preset quotas at the company level?
Are our different teams delivering on their sales activity targets?
How are individual sales reps performing relative to others?
How can we make sure different teams are focusing on the right deals?
Pipeline creation
Quota attainment
Average sales cycle length

Accurately plan and monitor your revenue flows

Improve your planning capabilities including capacity, headcount, account allocation, marketing spend and ICP segmentation, while continuously tracking actual results to evaluate the success of your sales strategies.

Did the ICP segments we focused on last year prove themselves?
Are our capacity and headcount plans working out so far this year?
How are we doing on actual vs planned performance this quarter?
How can we adjust sales tactics and strategies to better reach goals?
Average revenue per account
Forecast coverage
Opportunity win rate
Take control of your business data.
Make the right strategic decisions.