
Logo Retention Rate (LTM)

The share of active parent accounts retained from parent accounts that were active 12 months before the period.

What is Logo Retention Rate (LTM)?

Logo Retention Rate is a critical metric that measures the percentage of parent accounts or customers, often referred to as "logos" in B2B, that a company successfully retains over a specific period, particularly focusing on the Last 12 Months (LTM).

Why is it Important to Measure Logo Retention Rate (LTM)?

Logo Retention Rate (LTM) is of significant importance for businesses, especially Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Business-to-Business (B2B) companies that invest heavily in customer acquisition during their early stages. Here's why it's crucial:

  • LTM Focus: Logo Retention Rate (LTM) assesses the continuity of customer relationships over the Last 12 Months, providing insights into recent customer retention trends.
  • Health and Sustainability: A high Logo Retention Rate (LTM) indicates that the company has successfully retained a significant number of its existing customers during this specific period. This reflects positive customer loyalty and effective retention strategies.
  • Growth Prospects: Conversely, a low Logo Retention Rate (LTM) can be likened to a "leaky bucket" scenario, where the company continuously acquires new customers but struggles to retain them over time. This situation can negatively impact long-term growth prospects.
  • Improvement Insights: Measuring Logo Retention Rate (LTM) helps identify areas that require improvement in customer support, product offerings, or overall customer experience, contributing to sustainable business growth.

How is Logo Retention Rate (LTM) Calculated?

Logo Retention Rate (LTM) is calculated as a percentage of the starting active parent accounts from the previous 12 months, accounting for changes due to Churn and Contraction during this specific period.


Logo Retention Rate (LTM) =Starting Active Parent Accounts (12 months ago) - Churn - ContractionStarting Active Parent Accounts (12 months ago) This formula provides insights into how effectively the company managed to retain its existing customer base over the Last 12 Months, irrespective of revenue considerations.

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Logo Retention Rate (LTM)
The share of active parent accounts retained from parent accounts that were active 12 months before the period.
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